Every person should have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and you can make it possible.

Gospel outreach meetings

Every person should have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and you can make it possible.

01 / Gospel Outreach Meetings

Since 1984 we have been holding Gospel outreach meetings in the most rural parts of Africa, to reach the unreached and share God’s love!

As part of our preparation for doing a Gospel outreach in any given area, our team first meets with the local church leaders to discuss our objectives for the outreach and how best to collaborate with them in serving their community during the time spent there.

Once this is achieved and legal permissions are obtained we spend a week, in the afternoons, hosting open-air Gospel meetings where our local teams preach God’s love and a message of His saving grace, with a call to Salvation, all in the local language, to a field of people from the surrounding village and churches-everyone is welcome!

Before the end of all our meetings, prayer is offered to all those in need of healing or a miracle from God. Time is then given to individuals who wish to share their testimonies.

All who respond are given a follow-up booklet in their language and their details recorded for further follow up by their local church leaders. We make the most of our time spent in these villages as we know that they are located where many aren't willing to go, which has lead us to do door-to-door evangelism that allows us to connect with people and their families heart-to-heart.

Because we seek to equip and help grow the local church, we train up pastors, counsellors, and intercessors to use our Christian Discipleship Program (CDP) to disciple their community members after each of our outreaches.

Our impact
Gospel Outreach Meetings
*Gospel Outreach Meetings impact in 2023


Rural Gospel Outreach - Mukula Village

Prosperine Kishita is a married mother of eight children. She struggled with pain in her eyes and blurry vision. At the Gospel Outreach, she was healed from the pain and clear vision returned to her once again. She gives thanks to Jesus for this miracle as she testifies in front of her community.

- Prosperine Kishita

- Prosperine Kishita