Every person should have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and you can make it possible.


We know it’s important to you that your donation is being used effectively. It’s important to us, too.


We continue with our Gospel outreaches, so that, together, we can fulfill God’s call to declare His love across Africa! It’s a blessing to share these reports, with thanks to you for your faithful support of this mission.

This year has started off strong. Our teams in Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo continue to work hard in remote areas despite challenging conditions. They have persevered with an urgency to share the Good News with those who have not yet heard it. As Romans 10:14 says, 'How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?’

Together is the only way we can carry the Gospel to the people of Africa — to those in remote villages, to the untold number in prisons and schools — all to serve in His Great Commission. We cannot do this alone!

Together, we are making it possible for everyone in Africa to hear the Gospel. And we are so thankful to you as we accomplish this mission, one heart, one life, one soul at a time.

As you read these reports know that we do all that we do with thanks to God for His guidance, provision and grace and for the people He blesses to be a blessing to this mission. Thank you to our donors, old and new and to all who pray for us and the people of Africa.

Our gracious and loving God continues to lead us in the direction of great need across Tanzania, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). As we sit down to write to you today, it’s on our hearts that you know how much we appreciate your servant-partnership- thank you!

Together, you and Jesus Alive are completing God’s call of bringing the Gospel to the poorest of the poor in remote African villages. Every person matters, and the Gospel changes lives one person at a time. Every time you give, you are supporting our outreaches in Africa and the transformation of souls, as precious people come to know Jesus and His ways. You and I understand that, in Christ, each of us experiences true freedom. God’s Word foretells in Isaiah 61:1 of Jesus’ abiding love for every person caught in the enemy’s snares: He has sent me to comfort the broken-hearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed (NLT).
Keep in mind, we are ministering to people detained in physical prisons as well as those imprisoned in the bondage of drunkenness, immorality, witchcraft, and more. The remote locations and poverty isolate them.

Terri and I know you share our desire to see them set free through the powerful, redeeming love of our Lord and Savior! We continue with our Gospel outreaches, so that, together, we can fulfill God’s call to DECLARE HIS LOVE ACROSS AFRICA! It’s a blessing to share this report , with thanks to you for your faithful support of this mission.

Our gracious and loving God continues to lead us in the direction of great need across Tanzania, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). As we sit down to write to you today, it’s on our hearts that you know how much we appreciate your servantpartnership-thank you!

Celebrate with us as we put Jesus at the center and make Him the HERO of all that was achieved this past year! Thank you for your faithful support in 2020, a difficult year in which God did mighty things!

It is with a heart of thanksgiving that we share this annual report for 2019. We are truly grateful to God for the 239,044 salvations we registered through our outreaches in 2019, these are individual names written in the Lambs Book of Life!!! It is however not just their salvation that we celebrate but the transformation taking place in their lives through God’s grace and the knowledge of the Word gained through the ongoing discipleship training many have received.

We celebrate the fact that in 2018 we registered more than 238,000 decisions for Jesus, impacting unsaved souls in schools, prisons and rural village communities. These precious people now have the opportunity to continue learning from the Word of God in their own tongue, through our Teaching Centres which belong to their community.

It is amazing to see the powerful impact of the gospel. The Bible says it is the power unto salvation and we experience this all the time. What a privilege to witness the works of Jesus. When He answered the disciples of John the Baptist, Jesus said, “Go tell John that the blind see, the cripple walk, the dead are raised up and the gospel is being preached to the poor”. This is the calling of Jesus, and even today He is still doing His works through His followers.

Thank you for your support during the year of 2017. You truly are a blessing to our work as we partner together.

Mark 16:15 ‘And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Verse 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.’

Can you imagine the faith in Jesus’s heart when He gave this instruction to 11 men, that they were to win the world? We did not know how this would be possible but He knew it was possible. His faith was not in us, but in the working of His supernatural Spirit that would fuel the flames, the fire and the passion for the gospel, over more than 2 000 years.

Our impact

Decisions to follow Jesus in 2023 across our various outreaches.

Gospel Outreaches
School Outreaches
CDP Teaching Centers
Prison Outreaches
Jesus Film Screenings