Every person should have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and you can make it possible.

Pastors conference

Annually we host a conference for the leaders of churches in one of our program countries.

06 / Pastors Conference

“Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.”

Annually we host a conference for the leaders of churches in our program countries of Kenya, Tanzania, or DRC. We bring along guest speakers from various global churches who are aligned with our purpose for the conference, which is to serve and equip the local church through prayer, teaching, and shared experience.

We provide transport, food, and accommodation to assist those local church leaders who want to attend but don’t have the means so that they can attend and be equipped to go back and impact their congregations and communities in a greater way.

Our impact
Gospel Outreaches
School Outreaches
CDP Teaching Centers
Prison Outreaches
*Decisions to follow Jesus across our various outreaches in 2023


Pastors Conference – Ntobo Village

Pastor Adamu Katemi thanked God for this meeting and seminar because his church congregation doubled in size after the Gospel Outreach meeting. He said that his church always struggled to grow by just one or two people previously, but that God had worked with us to build the church.

- Pastor Samwel Kashindye

- Pastor Samwel Kashindye